Posts tagged ‘Zumba Convention’

October 9, 2010

Zumba Conventions are big

Although I am just starting to skim the surface of the movement Zumba has made in South Jersey, I want to take a quick detour to point out how the thrill has grown beyond raving expectations. I can’t wait for the day I can attend a Zumba Convention. Just a quick segway: Zumba Conventions are specific events that last for several days. Instuctors, trainers and associates will workshop different aspects to Zumba: choreography, techniques, etc.

This year, the Zumba Convention was held in Florida for 4 days. No, Florida is not South Jersey. However, people from all over the United States attended the Convention. Aundra is a Zumba instructor from Chestertown, MD and blogged about her amazing experience from the 2010 convention. If you are an instructor, or associate, or all-around promoter of Zumba, look into the 2011 Convention!

This was a CRAZY Zumba Convention from 2009. And yes, minus the cool neon lights and glowsticks, this is what class is like; just a bit smaller scale.